# Custom Metrics --- # Two Primary Methods to get Metrics into Datadog From Your Applications ## DogStatsd ## Restful API -- # DogStatsD ## Python implementation of statsD metric aggregation daemon from Etsy ## Enables Tags ## Sends metrics to the Forwarder -- # API ## Sends metrics directly to app.datadoghq.com -- # Which To Use? ## Using the API, every metric is a separate network transmission * If there are many metrics being sent, this is a lot of overhead ## DogStatsD * batches the metrics * generates a histogram * submits that on each flush of the forwarder --- # Many libraries to choose from ##http://docs.datadoghq.com/libraries/ ![](../../images/custommetrics/libraries.png)<!-- .element: style="background: none; box-shadow: none; width: 100%" --> --- # Python ## https://github.com/DataDog/datadogpy ## http://datadogpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ -- # Using DogStatsD from datadog import initialize, statsd options = { 'statsd_host': <ipaddress of agent>, 'statsd_port': 8125 } statsd.gauge(metricname, value, tags)

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